Sum up the video meeting

Sum up the video meeting

After the meeting the event author can record the results of the meeting, so that there is no «talk and forget» situation.

Сlick «Results» and briefly describe the outcome of the discussion in the meeting card. Save with the button .

If you created an agenda when creating a meeting, sum it up. Select the agenda, fill in the result and click . You don't need to make a record for each item, you can only specify the most important.

Save the results of the meeting. Click «Inform» and confirm the action. If you created the results while the video meeting was still in progress, click «Complete». All participants will receive a notification «Informing about the results».

Complete the tasks that appeared during the meeting or attach existing ones. Open the results and click «tasks».

You can

of tasks in the same section.

View the results of the video meeting

After the author of the meeting summarizes the results, the participants will receive a notification. Review and click «Informed».

Print results and list of participants

For colleagues who do not have a personal Saby account, you can upload the agenda, discussion results and list of participants to a file, and then send the document by email. In the event card, click and select:

  • «Results» — the agenda and results of the meeting for each topic;
  • «Meeting» — a list of participants with a note about their participation, the meeting agenda.

To start working with video meeting in Saby, please contact your manager.

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