Prepare the broadcasting

Prepare the broadcasting

During the webinar, hosts can show participants slides with the main theses, texts and photos. To do this, configure the broadcast window.

  1. Go to the «Broadcast» tab.
  2. Select and click template:
    • «Presentation» — participants will only see the webinar materials on the screen;
    • «Presentation and video» — the main place on the screen will be occupied by the presentation, the video with the presenter will be displayed in the lower right corner;
    • «Presenter’s video» — participants will see the speaker. During the webinar, the presenter will be able to demonstrate the desktop or files.
  3. Mark who will be the first to speak.
  4. Add images, videos, tables or documents. If you add a presentation, make sure it is less than 200 MB and there are no video and animation in it.
  5. Unmark the section that the host and participants will not need during the webinar: chat, questions, surveys, and the list of participants. They are all enabled by default. After the event is over, data from the sections can be uploaded to an excel file.
  6. Choose which file will be shown first during the webinar. To do this, click it.

During the webinar, hosts can change the broadcast window template and add content.

To start working with webinars in Saby, please contact your manager.

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